Thursday, May 15, 2014


 Beşiktaş hosts a weekly Saturday bazaar that is anything but two-tone. Refreshingly lacking in tourist tat, this multi-storey car park turned two-storey treasure trove is fronted by an extravaganza of fresh foods – pyramids of rosy tomatoes and mountains of cucumbers – winding a path to the second floor, where you'll find heaped factory seconds, dubiously patterned underwear sold by even more dubious vendors, and unusual jewels at irresistible prices. 

A district of Istanbul best known for its black-and-white clad football team and fanatical supporters,Look out for dazzling knuckleduster rings and every manner of tasselled, multicoloured bohemian headgear. A small makeshift cafe offers some welcome respite out the back – recuperate and return.

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